Find your purpose. Connect with what you WANT to do and learn how to make a living doing it!
Learn how to identify your fear and turn it into motivation to reach your goals.
Learn the basics of neuro-science, how it applies to self-help, and how to run a workshop to teach others and build your client base.
Learn how to combine and explain Hypnotherapy, Cognitive & Dialectal Coaching techniques. Use this info to run workshops to build your client base - or for your own self work.
Learn communication and listening skills to help reconnect with those you love.
Copyright © 2006 Carilyn Moisan Coaching & Hypnotherapy - All Rights Reserved.
Carilyn Moisan is not a Licensed Doctor or Mental Health Professional. All clients seeking sessions for pain or who have a diagnosis for treatment of any kind from a Licensed Medical professional are required to have a referral from a licensed practitioner of healing arts. All services listed on this site and performed either in person or virtually, are not intended to take the place of medically licensed care and should not be considered a substitute for such care, nor should the sessions be considered "treatment" for a condition - diagnosed or not. Carilyn Moisan Coaching & Hypnotherapy works specifically with symptoms - not diagnosis'. While North Carolina does not currently (2024) have specific statutes about the practice of Hypnotherapy, Carilyn Moisan Coaching & Hypnotherapy guarantees that all interactions will be above the highest standards in the art of Hypnotherapy, both ethically and legally.